How do you customize VCam controls? EG Change rightStickY from Crane to Pitch.
Using the LiveLinkInputDevice plugin, I was able to hack in that control…but it seems to override/consume all the other mapped inputs for VCamActor.
Would the HUD have anything to do with how a GamePad’s input works with VCam? EG an XBox controller.
Based off your RigRail video, Im going to go search for an IMC that would presumably map both the physical Xbox controller buttons and the virtual on-sceen sticks for mobile screens.
I set up an IA_VertPan, added it to the IC_JoystickModifier, and now I’m going to see if I can write the accumulation and vector setting based off the Crane stuff in the JoystickModifier BP.
I don’t think so. But I have not tried to control vcam stuff with a controller. In theory it should not conflict.
So I got it working!
But there is one sticking point I can’t figure out with the Default VCam input profile.
In the VCam_Actor BP, I set the InputProfile to a custom value:
But when I place a new VCam_Actor In the level, it reverts back the default Right Thumbstick
This only happens on existing Inputs…if I add a new input, this isnt an issue. They dont even show up in the profile. What am I missing about these InputProfiles? Is there an ini/settings im missing?
bless, I dont know how i missed that. Thank you, again, Shaun!
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