Hello. I want to make beach volleyball game. But I cannot find tutorials online how to do it. I am missing the important part of how to play volleyball. Meaning how to BP script: throws, hits, ball bouncing around and that sort of stuff. I am novice in BP scripting and very simplified and thourough explanation would help me. Thank you in advance for reading this.
P.S. Explain it to me like you would explain it to the child. Thank you.
the answer is quite simple - learn programming. sorry, but how should one explain you a complete game if you have a congrete question maybe somebody can help you.
a ball could be for example a sphere where you set physics enabled. when your player collides it and you’ve setup the collission channels correctly it whould be pushed away. the bounciness could be controlle by a physic material and playing with the weight of the sphere. If you’re not happy with the build in physics you need to implement the behaviour with vector math and trigonometry calculations your self - maybe also on the onOverlap or onHit event. Hope I could get you started somehow.