How Do You Create This Set Vector Node? Please See Image

This is a vector variable. You can declare variables under the Variables tab on the left hand side of your Blueprints:


A shortcut you can use is to press and hold CTRL on your keyboard and left-click drag the variable onto the graph to create a getter, or press and hold ALT on your keyboard and left-click drag the variable onto the graph to create a setter.


(I have a special plugin that changes the look of the nodes, so don’t worry if they look slightly different).

When you have any type of variable, you can use a getter or a setter: a getter gets the current value of the variable and the setter variable sets it to a new value.

You can find more information in this documentation under the title Accessing Variables in Blueprints: Blueprint Variables | Unreal Engine Documentation

I hope this helps, and good luck :slight_smile:

It’s driving me nuts. Input is a location vector from “Break Hit Result” node.