How do you create a leaderboard for a deathrun map who completes it the fastest

the above, I am lost as their is no information online with this in mind.

last time i looked into doing this myself, you can’t

people send a screenshot of their score/time and username to the game creator on twitter or discord and then the dev creates a leaderboard image using paintshop and they put it in the next update

there’s no way to store usernames in verse, you can print the current username on a billboard but you can’t access it programmatically to store it

Hey there @warhawkskin21! Keyser is correct. UEFN doesn’t allow access to direct player data and other information, nor are there devices prepared (or server infrastructure in place) to create and receive leaderboard data directly last I had checked. Many users have been doing just as Keyser mentioned and updating scores based on community feedback directly in the level.

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