How do you create a barrel roll using the flying ship template? Using Blueprint. No experience with C++

I’m trying to create a barrel roll using the existing flying ship template. The ship should do a barrel roll and at the same time it should move to the right (like a dodging movement). The camera should not rotate with the ship.

I was able to set it up so that the ship barrel rolls in place and the camera spins with it. How do I:

  1. make the camera stay still while the ship performs a barrel roll?
  2. make the ship move to the right or left while performing the barrel roll?

Please provide answers for blueprint, as my task requires me to use that instead of C++.

I got frustrated working on this earlier and shut down without saving my work, so I don’t have a screen print to show you. If you think that will help answer my question, then I’m sure I can recreate it and provide a screen print.