How do you control a Metasound graph directly from another actor?


If I put a Metasound (continuously playing i.e., music) graph in a BP I can cast to the input pins e.g., change the frequency of sine osc, etc. But this is a bit longwinded and I’d like the ability to message directly to the meta graph e.g., use a player movement to affect the sine frequency. I’ve tried various approaches but had no success. How can I achieve this?



You would want to set a float parameter from a BP using the the audio parameter interface to that references the Metasound - ensure the names match in the BP & the MS

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Hi Steve

Thank you for your insight, that’s very helpful.
I did manage to work out how to do this without placing the MS in the game and instead calling it directly in UE5 preview. I’ve still encountered some anomalies e.g., I spent a few hours trying to get a trigger parameter to work, solved it by using a trigger parameter message just to find that the normal executable worked fine once I’ve restarted the computer. Now to conquer the sequencer for music programming :slight_smile:

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