How do you change the Water Waves Asset via Blueprint

I am trying to chnage the Waves Asset via Blueprint and have not been able to figure out how.


There is a Set Water Waves Function but I have not been able to create the Water Wave Base Object Reference. Tried various castings to gerstner waves, I just cant figure out how to make this input.

I figured out how to do it in C++ just need a Blueprint version

cpp version

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#include "AdjustWaterWaves.h"
#include "WaterWaves.h"
#include "WaterBodyLakeActor.h"
#include "Kismet/GameplayStatics.h"

void UAdjustWaterWaves::ChangeWaterWaveAsset(UObject* WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf < AActor > ActorClass, const FString& WaveAssetFolder,  const FString& WaveAssetName)
	FString Fullpath = WaveAssetFolder + "/" + WaveAssetName;

	UWaterWavesAsset* WaterWavesRef = LoadObject<UWaterWavesAsset>(nullptr, const_cast<TCHAR*>(*Fullpath));
	// UWaterWavesAsset* WaterWavesRef = LoadObject<UWaterWavesAsset>(nullptr, TEXT("/Water/Waves/Dan_GerstnerWaves_Lake.Dan_GerstnerWaves_Lake"));
	AActor* FoundActor  = UGameplayStatics::GetActorOfClass(WorldContextObject,ActorClass);
	AWaterBody* WB = Cast<AWaterBody>(FoundActor);