How do you change the rate/speed of animation?

There is indeed playrate support.

You can use it via a blueprint, or you can pass a parameter to the animation blueprint that can then be picked up in the animation graph and applied to an animation.

[Blueprint Method][1]


I should elaborate that when you are in the animation graph you select the animation in question. The details panel will provide a checkbox to enable exposing the play rate as a pin on the animation.

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To be a little more specific, I am currently using Custom Time Dilation to do this. So basically when my character runs at let’s say 2000 speed, his legs don’t get faster, makes it look unrealistic. So by using Custom Time Dilation, the animation looks good except the gameplay rate/speed also changes which is a clear sign that it’s not supposed to be done this way. I heard something about Play Rate but not quite sure.


I’m not too familiar with the custom time dilation node but I’d say the easiest way to do this would be to use a blend space where the in-game velocity of the character directly controls the animation. I’m not quite sure if it can pass the standard ‘rate’ for the animation but I also know that the rate can be adjusted here. This is all done in the animation blueprint.

If you click on any animation in the AnimGraph in the animation blueprint, each animation in there should have a ‘play rate’ in the bottom right hand in the settings panel.

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Worked like a charm… I’ve spent 6-8 hours trying to fix this, thank you!

Thank you, I would have never have found that at the bottom right panel if it hadn’t been for you :slight_smile:

No, the animation speed doesnt change when the speed increases in the blendspace. Im having this exact problem. I have a project where the character increases velocity as a skill, and i need to change the speed of the whole blendspace to achieve that. Also, you cant change an specific animation play rate through blueprints, you need a montage to do that.

The problem is that im not using a direction/speed based blendspace, but a input axis based one. So my axis are WalkForward and WalkRight. I am looking for a way to change the whole blendspace play rate within the anim blueprint (or other blueprint for the matter).

Any ideas?

Yes. I did fix it long time ago. Basically, you make a variable (with blueprints) and that variable needs to communicate with the the Play Rate in the AnimGraph thing. Works like a charm.

Yes, i already knew how to change specific animations play rate. Thats not what im asking. But how do you communicate with the play rate of the entire blendspace??? for one or two animations it isnt a problem. With dozens, it is… still looking for a solution :stuck_out_tongue: i just dont want to spent one hour filling my screen with nodes… :stuck_out_tongue:

I even thought on just doing 3 different blendspaces with the same animations but different speeds… but thats cheap as hell. I cant believe there isnt a way to change an entire blendspace rate within blueprints…

But there is, when the blendspace is placed into the graph you select the node and in the details pane, you can check the box titled play rate, this exposes the pin availability on the node, allowing you to tie your variable to the blend space play rate.

It’s the same way as per animation or am I somehow misunderstanding you.

Yeah, thanks i figured it out the other day. It was simpler than i thought lol.

From here in unreal 4.23


Thank you so much that’s what I’ve been looking for.

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