How do you change starter vehicle steering? How do you make it less stiff, similar to an arcade racing game like NFS?

Hi guys! I want to have an arcade style of driving in my game, I want the starter vehicle content car to be able to steer and turn at high speeds easily (like in Need For Speed, Forza, or The Crew 2).

I tried playing with the vehicle chaos component in the vehicle advanced component from the starter pack (I’ve also changed the steering curve but I didn’t get the result I wanted, it was still very stiff compared to an arcade game), I’ve also tried playing with the front wheels blueprint, but I can’t find the parameters to make the steering faster and not so stiff.

Have you guys played with the starter vehicle content? Could you help me make the vehicle’s steering be smooth like in Need for Speed or any arcade racing game like that?

lerp the values…search up steering linearity… thats how racing games work… also if u get a good value for max turning of the wheel to something like 290 like in real life it would make it more smooth

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