How do you analyse and correct Loading Errors in UE4?

Hey y’all,

I’m pretty sure that this problem probably won’t get solved but let me try anyways.
So whenever I start my project there are these Loading Errors in my Message Log which I can’t understand or debug in any way.

The things that I don’t understand are:

  • While I have a Pausemenu widget in /Game/UserINTERFACE, I do not have a PauseMenu.PauseMenu_C so where does it come from and where can I find it?

  • The “Referenced By” Object is just a Mesh Component with no reference to anything so where the heck does it reference it?

  • Whats that GEN_VARIABLE attached to the SkeletalMesh

This is the Pawn that contains the skeletal mesh.

When I click on those referencers the content browser opens without it pointing to any file except the PauseMenu one which points to the PauseMenu Widget.

Building the project doesn’t change anything so whaaaaaaaat the heck do I do? The game works like it should so shall I just ignore it??

Thanks for reading


Did you ever solve this problem? I have a similar problem. I don’t have any idea how to isolate the problem.
“Failed to Load… blah blah blah… GEN_VARIABLE”
This only appears when I open the project. Otherwise everything else seems to work fine.