How do you add a height map to your material ?

I cannot find a way to add a height map, I have tried with bump offset, but that doesn’t work


You could use NormalFromHeightmap:

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Epic are actively encouraging us to just bake that kind of detail into the mesh itself and use Nanite.

Easiest way is to have a texture as a height-map/displacement-map. Then use this: How2Displacement - Album on Imgur

But plug it into World Position Offset & ignore the tessellation multiplier.

Bump-offset works by taking in a heightmap and mucking with the UV’s based on your vector to the pixel. Either way you still need some kind of height information.

WPO would be preferred in that it’s actual mesh alteration so it could (more) correctly impact lighting by simple virtue of it’s position. The math there kind of comes out in the wash.


Hello there,

As the solution as been given, i can provide small tip if it helps.

Connect TextCoord(0) to Coordinate from BumpOffset.
RGB or R (Gray colors) from your HEIGHT Texture sample to Height.
Then connect output BumpOffset to Base Color UVs, Specular UVs, and Normal UVs.
Plug each Texture to your Base Color, Metallic and normal in your case.

Metallics and roughness, opacity, doesn’t need BumpOffset for me.

It’s not the question but ParallaxOcclusionMapping seems to be a good way to enhance your realism and quality instead of BumpOffset.

Hope this help :slight_smile:

Great tutor! Thank you :upside_down_face: