How do you access separate geometry of a model?

@ : There is no way to do this automatically.

@ Rleiker13: This is something that may be possible in C++, but I’m not a programmer so I couldn’t even speculate on where to begin. If that is something you would like to pursue you would need to post a new question on the AnswerHub in the C++ section or make a thread on the Forums in the C++ section.

Being able to import the objects pivot points rather than using the world origin has previously been entered as a feature request and may make its way into the engine at some point. There is no specific time frame for this though.

The importing issue seems understandable now. But, I am still concerned about the rotation problem. The whole yz to xy to conversion.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Thanks for your help . I really appreciate it.

When explained that the math behind the rotation widget is “technically” correct, it still rotates the object correctly, but returns odd values.

This is also happening when physics are active on an object in play or simulate mode. Is there a way to obtain the actual correct value for rotations?

This post is getting out of the realms of what it was originally asking. Let’s post this as a new question, please.

Thank you,