You have a new project and there’s a floor mesh in the scene.
Now add a Media Sound Component to that the floor object.
Now, how do you access and use that MediaSoundComponent from blueprint? If I drag Media Sound into the blueprint it doesn’t work. I can drag the Floor object into the blueprint, but I don’t know how to access the MediaSound component from the Floor object in blueprint.
You need to get a reference to the actor (the floor) that has the Media Sound Component. Then, you would call Get Component by Class on it to get the Media Sound Component and save it to a variable.
You can get a reference to the floor actor multiple ways. If the blueprint that is doing the accessing is placed in the level, you would just add an instance editable variable to it and set the reference to the floor. If the blueprint is spawned during the game, you would add a tag to the floor, then in the blueprint, call Get All Actors with Tag to get the floor.