How do we Reset All Plugins to Default State?

So installing or enabling some plugins can NUKE your project. They might require a complicated Visual Studio install that nobody understands, and you might not want that being part of your project at all. And plugins are somehow saved with the project… but where?


  1. Can we reset plugins to their initial state?

  2. What folders should I backup so I can safely mess with plugins, and then just recover by replacing files?

And like… 3. Why Unreal doesn’t warn users that a plugin requires VS, and it may be a catastrophic change to the project?

As always, useless to ask anything here. But I’ll add this, just in case it might help anyone. The plugin info seems to be stored in the main .uproject file. I wasn’t able to find any way to revert to defaults… but I saved my project by comparing with a default project and manually enabling all the plugins I’ve disabled. So backing up the whole project, or most of it, is useful. I’m only bypassing Saved\Backup and Saved\StagedBuilds… and backup everything else.

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Open Epic Games Delete Unreal Any Version buy pressing the X then when it says Repair Click it All the plugins will be Reset But I Dont know about Plugins that are not built in.

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This may be an old post, but your reply helped a lot.

An easier fix I found for myself was to instead edit the .uproject file itself (I used Notepad++).

It’s structured like a JSON file, and inside there is a list of "Plugins" including edits of plugins toggled off/on from the defaults:

	"Plugins": [
			"Name": "OpenImageDenoise",
			"Enabled": false

Just make sure to all open and close brackets are formatted correctly before saving!

Hope this helps!