How do to fix collision between the VR Hands (when they are closed/in grabbing animation or grabbing an object as well) and a character capsule?

Hello! Im having trouble fixing the collision with the capsule and the VR hands when they are held in the “Grip” animation it causes me to move around and even change the camera angle permanently. I am using stick locomotion so i added the character capsule so that i can apply gravity to my pawn. Im a noob with UE4, been working with it for about a month or so, so im learning as I go. I cant seem to find a tutorial referencing this kind of issue, or maybe i just dont know where to look? But i basically just need to have the hands go through my character capsule even when im gripping or to make it so that I dont fly all over the place when i bring an object close to myself. I am working with the Oculus Quest btw! Thanks ahead of time!

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I believe I figured it out on my own! So I didn’t realize that the VR template motion controller hand BP came with a specific statement that granted collision to the hands when gripping. That was where the issue was, it was colliding with my mesh through there so I just added a set collision addition to that to ignore pawn and it works great! :slight_smile:

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Hi Mendez!

I have the same problem as you, however, I don’t know how to solve it. Could you help me with a more in-depth explanation?

Thanks a lot!

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Hello l0ngin0s!!

So this was from a project that was working on a while ago, but from reading what my own answer was then it looks like the Motion Controller BP has a statement that grants collision when the hands were closed. That collision statement needs to be adjusted so that the gripped hands ignore your player pawn. SO you would go into the BP and change those settings to “ignore pawn” specifically for the node that grants the hand collision when the grips are closed! Hope this helps clarify a little bit!!!


Thanks a lot Mendez!

I found a solution:

A couple of days ago I created a video explaining all this. It is in Spanish and I hope this helps others:

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for posting this!

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That was awesome! Thank you so much, very very very very very very very verdaderamente mucho mucho muchisimo helpful!

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