How do set a spawn location for a enemy?

I’m trying to make some enemies spawn in specific location, however i’m not sure how to choose the location where they spawn, as they are the same enemy blueprint. The only way i would know to do this is to set the location to a specific location but because its apart of the same blueprint this would make all of them spawn in the same location. Thanks for any help.

How do you know who spawns where?

Hey @swagriley25!

Two things you can do:

Drag them from the content browser into the level and put them where you want.


Make a spawner. Create an actor and put this actor anywhere in the level you want to spawn an enemy. Then, on the event graph for the spawner, use “Spawn Actor From Class” to spawn your enemy with “Self → get actor location” as the location to spawn. :slight_smile:

Hope that helps, let us know how it goes!

At this point I look at enemy spawns as they are either drag ins or directly spawned. You sound like you are wanting direct spawns. Then I ask myself “Where to spawn?” and “When to spawn?”.

Work out when you want them to spawn, and then use a “Spawn actor of class” node. It seems and maybe I am wrong here, most character and enemy / npc spawns are done in the game mode. That node will let you set where to spawn them in X, Y, Z. Figure out the correct elevation in your map (Z) that way they are at least level with the floor. Then you just need X and Y. You could try randomizing the location a bit (within 1 to 5 percent for example) or the times you would normally spawn them.