I’m actually REALLY surprised there’s barely any info online about making lightning in UE4, with thunder (sound) and lights that play at the same time to mimic actual lightning. How’s it done?
I have never done it but the following is what I would try to use:
Particle Emitter and/or masked lightning-looking materials, post-processing or Directional Light or Skylight (use lower hemisphere color) to make the screen or environment flash (postprocess and skylight lower hemisphere don’t cast shadows though),
Control it all to happen using Blueprints, and make a Sound Cue asset, without attenuation if you want the player to hear it at the same volume no matter where they are in the level.
So long story short, the way you make a lightning effect is mostly the way you make any environmental effect.
What do you already know how to do, and why is lightning hard?
Is this what you looking for ? : 2018-07-08 15-36-16.mov - Google Drive
You can’t hear the first strike because of the distance.
I worked on this a couple of week ago, and I went with a realistic approach. So I have sound attenuation, and delay on the sound depending on the distance to the player.
I froze spamming it xD but I think it’s because am using a very strong point light. Light isn’t good yet