How do increase a Stamina ?

I’m looking for a way to increase the basic stamina for players, multiplying it by 2.
I have:

var i : int = 0

    # Runs when the device is started in a running game
        #Todo Increase a Stamina to player
        AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
            if(i <= AllPlayers.Length):
                AllPlayers[i].Stamina := 200
                set i = i + 1

Stamina is not defined

Hi Yvan, Welcome to the Forums

My first thought would be to increase the Stamina (They call it “Energy”) in the ‘Island Settings’

But Energy Max is capped at 100. You could probably lower ‘Sprinting Energy Cost Per Second’ to give the effect of having more stamina.

I don’t think Stamina can be tweaked with Verse yet. The character has interfaces for changing health and shields, but I don’t see anything for stamina.

Thank you very much, as I’m a first-time UEFN user, I didn’t think it had an Energy field equivalent to the Stamina.

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