I’m new to Unreal so this may seem like a really dumb question but it an issue that been bothering me?
Mouse scroll wheel.
But for more and more shortcut tips and tricks, check the full list here:
Mouse wheel. You can zoom extra far in +7 with shift + mousewheel WHILE HOVERED IN THE GRAPH IN A BLANK SPOT to prevent problems learning the UI.
I beleive you can do [modifier key] -/+ too these should all be listed under your editor preferences.
Dont forget to accept the answer that best clears up your question or answers your problem so that anwerhub stays clean and organized and people searching for the same problem will know exactly what you did to fix it.
I had the same problem, running UE4.4.3 on a Mac OSX El Capitan. Using the ‘+’ and ‘-’ keys on the num pad works for me. However, I should mention that I have a small Mac keyboard (the one that doesn’t have a num pad) and a separate, third party wireless num pad (Advent N212), so this might not work with other keypads.
Hope this helps!
El Psy Congeroo.
Oh - And right clicking and dragging seems to work too. If you don’t have right click set up then go into SYSTEM PREFERENCES > MOUSE and click the ‘Secondary click’ box.
I am using Unreal version 4.22.3
I was having trouble with zooming in within the Blueprint editor. I found that I could easily zoom out, down to a zoom level of -12, by scrolling the mouse wheel. But when I tried to zoom in then I could only get to a zoom level of 1:1.
I tried holding down the shift key and scrolling the mouse wheel (as suggested above) but that did not work for me. So I tried holding down ALT with no success. Finally, I found that holding down CTRL and scrolling the mouse wheel allowed me to zoom up to a level of +7.
Had I read the docs referenced in a previous post on this page, I would have found this solution as it is documented here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/Attachments/Engine/Blueprints/UserGuide/CheatSheet/BlueprintCheatSheet-1989117414.pdf
that was helpful thankyou