How do I vertically center a text widget?

How do I vertically center a text widget?
If the text is in a button widget, it can be centered by setting Vertical Alignment.

With justification, it is centered only horizontally.

Wrap it with a border

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I’m just getting started with Unreal Engine, so where exactly do I need to go? What settings do I need to change? Can you tell me what to do?

The questions does not make much sense in terms of UMG. Unless you want more lines of text.

  • it does not matter if it’s centred or not here - you have no outer container to centre inside of anyway, move text up and down instead and do not make it larger than needed - that’s not how text widgets work. Or use the canvas to automatically centre it:

Select the text block, hold Shift + Ctrl and click the middle icon - this will centre the text in the canvas. You can, optionally, Size to Content - see screenshot above.

  • if you want to add a container the text should be centred inside of:


You can make the border invisible if necessary, text can then be centred inside:

But now you must centre the border so we’re back where we stared, that’s why the ask makes little sense.

tl;dr: essentially:


Thank you.
I did it the way you taught me and it worked as shown in the attached image.

I would like to know if you know it,
What is the general method for centering multi-line text horizontally and vertically no matter how the content changes?
With the Unity engine’s UI text, the default setting is to center the text horizontally and vertically, so I didn’t have any trouble with that.
I don’t know what the common method is for the Unreal Engine.

This is the method. Wrapping it with a container and setting Horizontal and Vertical alignment to Center Align. Precisely what you’ve got up there. The widget must have something wrapped around it to know how to centre itself.

I believe it’s the canvas panel that may be causing some confusion here, hear me out. When hosting widgets, each panel / container:


Will produce a slot:

Text added to a border will sit inside a Border Slot :point_up:, text in a Grid Panel will have a Grid Slot with another set of properties:


The Canvas panel is quite special and offers truly unique functionality - anchoring (among other things). In order to have a dynamically sized widget sitting in the centre of the canvas, we need to know its size. You can calculate it yourself and offset the widget or:

The canvas can automagically figure it out if you let it measure it with Size To Content.

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Thanks, I will continue to implement it this way.
If I’m unsure again about the settings or implementation method, I’ll come back to the this forum to ask a question.