How do I use Widget buttons to access multiple blueprints?

So I’m fairly new to UE4 and I’m trying to create a HUD with buttons that can trigger door animations on Blueprints inside my project. Previously, I had each button stored on separate Widgets which worked but was very inefficient. But now my issue is that only one of the buttons works if they’re all on the same Widget. It seems as though they’re overwriting each other?

Is there another way I can reference a Widget to activate the event dispatchers without having to create the Widget inside all of the door blueprints? I’ve tried creating the Widget in the player class blueprint and casting to this for each door blueprint but no luck. Any help would be massively appreciated!

You can create a variable inside your widget with the same type of your door_BP. Then connect the open button to that variable ( inside the door bp you can have a custom event to open it), and call to the open door event.

When you create the widget, just before add to viewport, pass the actual door reference to that variable, so the just created widget knows to what door belong.