I created a level streaming volume to the persistent level and assigned to the new area (subLevel) it’s supposed to load.
Upon pressing ‘Play’, I enter (overlap) the level streaming volume and the new area appears, but disappears once I exit (end overlap) the level streaming volume.
How do I keep it visible? Do I use Blueprint & if so how do I set up the event graph?
As you’re seeing, the streaming volumes are built such that as long as you’re inside the volume you remain inside it the level is loaded visible and if you exit the volume it is unloaded.
If you just want to set up a trigger that loads in a level and a later point you’ll unload it you should attach an OnActorBeginOverlap event to the trigger and then call Load Stream Level to load the level in.
Are the Level Streaming Volumes designed with the intention of them encompassing the entirety of the area/level to be loaded? Is it computationally expensive to have the volume enclose a large space?
If I can use them that way then it solves the problem I was running into.
OR are the Level Streaming Volumes designed to be temporary transition points? If so then I’m having trouble wrapping my around the use of: Level Streaming Volumes, Load Stream Level, OnActorBeginOverlap & OnActorEndOverlap.
Thanks either way. The first paragraph of your response does clear up a lot.
Yes, in most cases, the Level Streaming Volume will fully enclose the area that is to be loaded. This won’t always be the case if say you had a streaming level that was just being loaded to show something in the distance that you won’t actually enter, but that’s a bit of an edge case. There is no computational difference in handling the volume based on size that I’m aware of.
The level streaming volumes are definitely not for transition points, if you want that then you should use the trigger volumes and manage the load/unload yourself in blueprints.
I am having an issue in 4.7, the level stream volumes appear to calculate overlap/collision from the camera in non-first person views rather than the character capsule. Is this a known thing? If so how do I change it to reference the actual character instead of the camera following them around.