Sorry if the title isn’t very descriptive, and if this has been posted somewhere else I’m sorry as well but it wasn’t coming up for me.
Basically, when I’m assigning character animations in unreal (from mixamo in this case), they’re stationary examples of the character running, jumping or whatever. The first example is just the normal walk (in place). The second is a jump-back, where the player clearly starts and ends in different positions.
For the walk I’d just set up your normal blendspace and let the character blueprint take care of the actual moving. But for the dash. I don’t really know where to start. There’s no option for “in place” and I can’t really move the character without moving the mesh. Any ideas or advice would be super appreciated because I’m positive this is a total newbie question. Just something I never had to deal with until now lol.
Sounds like you are wanting to affect the “Root Motion” of the animation - or ignore it in this case? I’m not sure I follow 100% here. In Unreal, in the Anim BP, click Class Settings and you’ll find the option on the right hand side to disable Root Motion altogether.