So I have an enemy that shoots a little projectile at me. In the projectile bp, I have BeginPlay → SetObjectRotation (to look at me) → Set PhysicsLinearVelocity 900 on X. However, it is using the global x instead of the actor’s local x. How do I make it simply move forward?
I have get look at rotation so that the character is “forward” but I never would have thought to multiply by a float. Thank you!
SetObjectRotation (to look at me) →
Set PhysicsLinearVelocity 900 on X
To get actor’s facing rotation in the world:
You probably don’t even need to make rotation. Forward vector should be enough, you can then multiply it by a float to give it velocity.
Essentially, forward (right & up vectors, too) is a direction, it’s normalised - with a length of 1. By scaling it, you give it magnitude.
Very similar to the other thing, I’ve just replied to:
Thank you!