How do I use -diff to merge Blueprints from command line?

There are two articles about diffing assets in unreal, but they don’t have a lot of details on how to do it outside the editor:

Somehow I found that UE4Editor.exe supports a -diff argument, but I don’t understand the arguments. I can pass it two arguments to diff them, and passing four arguments opens the editor in a merge mode, but I’m not sure which arugment is which.

I’d expect I can pass in BASE LOCAL REMOTE MERGED files but it doesn’t look like that’s the right order.

I found that you can run UE4Editor.exe -diff -h to find the argument order:

	-diff [options] left right                                                 
	-diff [options] remote local base result                                   

	-echo               Prints back the command arguments and then exits.      
	-help, -h, -?       Display this message and then exits.

That doesn’t work with 4.11

Both the help message (an editor dialog) and diffing (the BP diff graph displays for Actor/Component blueprints) work for me on 4.11.2 .

as for version 4.15 you need to specify the project path.

UE4Editor.exe %FullPathToProject.uproject% -diff [options] left right

I bet they changed that in 4.11, since 4.10 works without project path

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Hi :slight_smile: As booting-up the engine can take a while I’ve made a simple python script that will issue the diff command to a running unreal instance (so that you can have the diff in under 1 second). I’ve added steps to set-this up in perforce in the repo below :

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