How do I uninstall UE4 on a Mac?

I was wondering how to uninstall UE4 on OSX 10.9.2, because there is no uninstaller app. Just a list of all the files that UE4 uses so I could delete them would be very useful.


The main install location (not counting Unreal you installed by copying it somewhere to your disk) is /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine.

Samples you downloaded from Marketplace are in ~/Documents/Unreal Projects (which is also a default location for user-created projects).

Depending on what parts of the engine did you use, you may have additional files created while running the editor or Unreal tools in:

  • ~/Documents/ (for example ~/Documents/UnrealEngineLauncher) (this only applies to UE4 4.0.x)
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Epic
  • ~/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine
  • ~/Library/Preferences (com.epicgames.* files, Unreal Engine folder, folders for games)
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Thanks alot!

Is this still the case? Bit presumptuous not having an unistaller


You can uninstall completely by running the ue installer again and selecting remove

More specifically: In “Epic Game Launcher”, tab “Unreal Engine” select “Library” then in “Engine Versions” you can remove each engine by clicking the yellow arrow and selecting “Remove”.

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use app cleaner

use app cleaner

most osx apps do not have one, nor do they need it

GO to finder
THEN click on applications
DRAG icon to trash

App Cleaner helps a lot. They’re just files at all. Not like windows’ app

App Cleaner helps a lot. They’re just files at all. Not like windows’ app

  • /Users/Shared/ (Epic Games | UnrealEngine).
    You can run any of unreal apps, then use cmd “lsof -p | grep cwd” to find the running app path。“top” cmd can help you find the
  1. Open Epic Game Launcher.
  2. In the left menu click on Unreal Engine.
  3. in the new View click on Library
  4. Click on dropdown menu newt to the unreal engine button and click on delete

For example, if you want to remove each engine from the Epic Game Launcher, you can do so by going to the tab called “Unreal Engine”, selecting “Library”, and then selecting “Engine Versions”, where you will be able to delete each engine by clicking on the yellow arrow and then selecting “Remove”.