Everything is in question. collider in attached image do not collide.
Hey w77,
Can you show us what your Collision settings are? You don’t have section opened in Details panel in your image. Thanks!
Hey w77,
There’s some great documentation on Collision here that you might want to look over:
Without knowing for certain what you’re trying to achieve, I can only guess that problem is that your collision is set to OverlapAllDynamic, with all options set as Overlap. If you’re looking to block movement of other actors with collision enabled, you’ll need to set them to Block. Try BlockAll to start with.
Hope that helps!
I set to collide all. There is also a “collision enabled” option.
But it still don’t work.
I set “hidden in game” option to false and it appears that capsule collider collide but pawn don’t follow. I saw capsule moving away alone after a collision while I flyed through ground.
It looks like you have physics enabled on your capsule. You should probably have that on your Hull mesh, its parent, instead. That might explain why your capsule is moving away from your mesh.
With hull mesh as root :
Root physics enabled + capsule enabled : no collision
Root physics enabled + capsule disabled : no collision
Root physics disabled + capsule enabled : capsule collides alone and fly away
Root physics disabled + capsule disabled : no collision
All collision set to BlockAllDynamic.
Well, I give up. It will take me less time to code a full network engine on Unity than figure out how to make a simple mesh move around and collide in unreal engine.
Every time I try this engine I feel like it have been deisgned by insane peoples.
Colliders not colliding… forces requiring a bone…
Ho, I forgot to say, at last I successfully imported a rigged mesh from blender without crash. collision and physics behaves like drunken ducks driving a B-52 in a storm.
Go on and don’t forget to show us your Unity based engine!
Everything works fine as long as you read at least some documentation and use little bit of logic.
P.S. Forces do not require a bone, it’s “optional” feature. You only set it if you want a bone to trigger hit reaction.
Capsule should be root, mesh parent of capsule.
Enable collision on capsule. If you want your mesh to collide, get rid of capsule and create collision for mesh, either in DCC tool or via static mesh editor. Documentation was provided above by .
Also forgot to mention, physics enabled components are getting detached from its parents, it was discussed many times and there’s even question regarding it somewhere around. So please, before trying to make something, get some knowledge, or you’ll surely end up calling engine devs insane.
Capsule as root ?
tells me to set hull as root.
Capsule as root can’t be rotated / translated, and so don’t match mesh shape.
And what about an object with multiple collision primitves if only root collide ? Their can be only one root.
Making collision in a DCC ? So your answer is to don’t use editor’s features ? mesh editor don’t have enought options.
I read too much doc for a so simple thing and tried to many logics.
Hey w77,
Sorry for delay in response; I’ve been out of office for a few days.
I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble with this. It really isn’t a complicated system, but it seems like you’re not used to workflow yet and I can understand how that would be frustrating. Since I don’t know exactly what you’re trying to achieve with this mesh, I’m going to go through some very basic steps, and we’ll see if we can’t bridge gap between my explanation and what you have in your game.
Create a new Character class Blueprint. Give it a name and open it. In Components tab, you’ll see CharacterMovement component. In here, you can assign controls and physics for your character. Take a look at Defaults and see how it’s handled, then make any adjustments how you’d like your character to move and react to physics.
You’ll see [ROOT] CapsuleComponent next. This is capsule we use to interact with world. Most of your important collision will happen here, not with your mesh. See that capsule is set to Movable; this is what you will actually be moving through your world, and mesh will follow. Notice that Simulate Physics is disabled. Your Collision settings are set to Pawn, which blocks almost everything. You can always switch individual Object Responses as needed, but most likely you’ll be leaving this as is.
ArrowComponent just points “forward” for reference.
Mesh will be empty. Here you can set your Skeletal Mesh. If you don’t have any animation, just set Anim Blueprint Generated Class to None. Note that Physics is disabled here as well (our physics handling is set in CharacterMovement settings). Collision Presets is set to CharacterMesh, which ignores interaction with Pawns and Vehicles by default. These settings are NOT how your character interacts with world in general, but for more particular interactions (such as setting hit reactions to projectiles, etc).
Take a look at these default settings and see how you can apply them to your project. Remember: physics are handled through your CharacterMovement settings, your main world interaction (and collision) is handled in root capsule component.
If you’re setting up your own Blueprint that is not a Character class Blueprint and you decide to use a custom sphere as your root, make sure your mesh is child.
If you want to create collision on your mesh in editor instead of an external program, you can! Open your mesh in Static Mesh editor, and open Collision drop-down from menu. There are several collision settings you can put directly on your mesh if you didn’t import any collision from your modeling program.
Hope that helps!
Well according to you I am in for a treat. Going to try to crack this nutshell tonight.