How do I target the player that overlaps a collision box?

For the last week, I have been trying to figure out how to target a specific player over Steam. I haven’t been able to figure it out and I would greatly appreciate any help!

Assuming you have a box collision over your steam, and your character has “Generate overlap events” ticked on its setting, you can add “Get overlapping actors (box)” to your steam blueprint, and do a foreach loop to get all overlapped actors and cast them as your character

(Note that you should cast to your character blueprint, not to character. If your character blueprint is named MyCharacter_BP cast to MyCharacter_BP)

If you want only a specific character and not all the characters from that class, you can do a == check after casting, and branch if it is true.

Sorry if I wasn’t specific enough. I mean the Steam Subsystem for multiplayer. I have this below it pulls from an array that is linked to the player array and and sets text in-game to the steam name of whoever overlaps the box. I can’t figure out how to target the player that touched the box though.

I appreciate the help regardless. This is the furthest I have gotten with this. Do you know how to target the player that overlaps it instead of checking for a specific player?

Ooooh i feel like an idiot, you can cast the other actor to pawn, and use the node “Get Controller”. After that, you can check if the overlapping actor is the specific player you want. Hope this helps.

As i mentioned, casting the other actor pin as your pawn blueprint will give you the overlapping pawn. If you really want to go back to the controller from pawn, you can use Get controller node

You are welcome, sorry i couldn’t help more, but i can’t fully understand what info you want to pull from the player. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask

I tried that but I couldn’t pull anything useful off the get controller node. However, I got it working from grabbing the PlayerState from my character. Thanks for the help I am gonna read up on casting now.

I was trying to get the player controller ID from the player that overlapped the box.

The player ID doesn’t match the controller ID. I think that’s all I need for now.

Thank you very much for the help!

Have you tried this?