add a variable called ‘still inside’ and set to TRUE when begin overlap.
add the event END OVERLAP and set ‘still inside’ to false
in begin overlap, after your retrigerabble delay put a BRANCH and repeat damage only if ‘still inside’ is true.
Imo the damage logic should be in the actor that is causing the damage, not the character.
Also a timer with a simple condition to stop the loop should be more than enough.
thank you so much
Yes I agree.
The approach of this thread is not the best IMHO but I just
tried to help him make it work.
In this case he wants enemies to damage the player, if you put
the begin/end overlap inside the player you can have some issues
(like having 2 begin overlaps first and then first end overlap disabling timed
damage while stays overlapped with the other enemy).
But there are always multiple solutions for the same problem
I wish I was smarter to understand what you are saying. i have the same issue i think but all this is soo confusing. I am trying to follow a tutorial and they left the part out where my character keeps taking damage even when they are not in the box. and i have no idea what I am doing I guess. because what you said made no sense to me. This is super frustrating when you have no help.