How do I stop my character from falling through the floor?

Hello, Im new to Unreal. I currently have been using the third-person template and have been creating my project within the template. My character has all of a sudden started falling through the floor and I can’t seem to figure out why. Most of my research has just told me to set my PLayerStarer above the may and to make sure my BP_Charcter and landscape have appropriate collisions. I have done my best to follow through with what Ive read on this issue but I am obviously missing something because the character is still falling once I hit play. Please help. Also, let me know if you need more information or photos.

It’s very very likely your ground doesn’t have collision geometry.
We can’t tell from looking at the screen shot – you need to turn on the collision visualizer.
In general, know that there are two kinds of collision used in Unreal: “Simple” collision, which is used for physics simulation, and “complex” collision, used when more exact representation is needed (such as raycasts for visibility or projectiles.)
If your object doesn’t have too many triangles, you can check the “use complex for simple” box to make the actual object geometry be the physical collision, but this can have severe performance problems if you use it on the wrong object.

For more information, see here: Setting Up Collisions With Static Meshes in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

Okay thank you so much. I was unaware there were two types. I will go ahead and take a look at this information and keep you updated. thank you again.