How do I stop bouncing off a wall?

I have created a simple grappling hook and I also have wall running in and FPS project but When ever I grapple to a wall my character just bounces off it how do I stop this

Can you explain how you move the player with the grapple?

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I set the velocity of the player such that it would move towards the grapple point until It is within a certain range of the target (in this case 200 UE4 units) and then I add a little velocity to to the Z axis plus the earlier velocity

This should be the velocity of the Character Movement Component - is this what you mean? Can you show the script? Is anything simulating physics?

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Yes the character movement velocity.

Here’s the script, Im taking the the initial direction for the grapple( its normalized) and then multiplying it for speed

Hm, doing just this:

Produces expected, consistent results and no bouncing.

I also have wall running

I’d inspect the way this is implemented / integrated. Can you test it without this mechanics - perhaps that would help narrow it down.

I actively had to ADD character wall bouncing to projects upon request.

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After a bit more test I figured out that this only happens if I hit the hook which is round, but I have turned all collision of on it and the issues persists. But adding an additional push towards the wall has completely stopped it. I think it might have been my velocity was too high. 5K

I turned off wallrunning and that fixed the issue so there is probably something in there that needs fixin

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Found the cause, thanks for the help mate. I was changing plane constraints during wallrunning and for some reasons that made the velocities weird. Thanks for the help fren appreciate it.

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