How do I stop a pawn rolling during a rotation?

I feel like this is a basic problem to solve however I cannot find anything online addressing this - seems to be “oh just rotate the camera pitch separately to yaw” but this is not what I am after. Think of the block as a head that I want to rotate on the shoulders without moving the body, the camera right now is facing the head so I can see what is happening here but normally it will be attached to the front of the face. This is important because I will be tracking which direction the head is facing later for something else.

Image upload appears to be borked on this website currently so imgur it is:

Pic 1: Want it like this but able to pitch up/down and turn left/right

Pic 2: Not like this

Pic 3: Blueprint I have so far

I’m sorry if this is incredibly obvious but I am new to this and not finding a solution online - or hperhaps misunderstanding what I have found

Don’t be a dunce like me and forget to check the class settings.

Pic 1: When creating a pawn the highlighted checkboxes will not be ticked by default, you need to tick these.

Pic 2: And then the code to make it happen is dead simple, exactly as in the FP and TP character example blueprints. I tried this initially but because I did not tick those boxes there would be no movement, only the camera would move if the pawn does not have its own camera.

But yeah, this completely fixed my issue and the pawn rotates exactly as expected.