How do I stop a character sticking to the ground

I have run into what is most likely a simple problem that I am overthinking and was wondering if anyone knows of a solution (preferably using blueprints). I’ve made a simple example of what I am trying to do and the issue I’m having below.

My goal is to have a character (using the regular character movement component)

That can walk from regular ground onto a platform without any difference between the two.

But if the platform is pulled out from under the player they fall to the area below it.

Right now by default it seems that the character sticks firmly to the platform no matter how fast it moves.

These platforms would be moving very quickly back and forth and pretty much constantly in the actual game so preferably it would not be something that switches on and off when it moves or requires the player to stop when in a certain position and lose control until the platform moves.

Any ideas you guys may have would be great.

If you just move a standard mesh, the character is going to stick to it, because at other times, that’s what you want.

Instead of using a mesh, use a blueprint with a mesh and a collision volume. Move the mesh from within the blueprint, but not the collision box. This will get rid of the first problem.

When the mesh isn’t under the character, you can destroy the collision box. One way to do this, would be a line trace from the character location downwards to the blueprint, looking for the mesh.

But you have to get the collision channel sorted out…

So there’s a collision box and a platform. If I can trace down from the player and find the box, but not the platform, destroy the box


That’s great thanks. Its not exactly what I need but the invisible collision box doing the work has given me a much better idea of how to go about this.

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