How do I stop a bot from respawning?

Hey guys. So am trying to learn the behaviors of bots right now. One thing that I cannot figure out is how to disable a bot from respawning after it is killed. Basically I kill a bot and it respawns in all these random locations. I don’t want it to respawn at all. Can’t seem to find out where this could be disabled.


I tried to figure this out for a while, but if you’re like me and aren’t able to dive into the C++ code to figure it out, I have a VERY janky, temporary solution.

It seems that if you place the same number of player spawns as there are in Shooter Game, they will always respawn at one of them. So if you just create a remote island (a flat, floating plane) with 12 or so Player Spawns, the bots will respawn out of your game world. To get your player out of there on Begin-Play, place a trigger on the island that teleports your player to a target point that you place in the world.

Again, this is a terrible and temporary solution, but for a prototype it works.

Best of luck,