Hi there, It may just be me but When it comes to character movement I’m a bit of a perfectionist. If there is something off about my character, I’ll notice it and not move on until I’ve fixed it. So I bring you, the experts of UE4, a problem I have been scratching my head over for days now. I really, really want to move on but I can’t until this problem is done with.
Basically, I followed the standard tutorial to help noobs such as me with setting up a character. - This Tutorial - https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/HowTo/CharacterMovement/Blueprints/Setup_1/index.html
The problem I am faced with is the input side of things. I have got my animations in a blendspace which plays just fine along with the input (WASD). However, the problem is when I press multiple keys together. For example -
If I press W followed by S, my character will play the animation that is meant for the D key but will stay still. If I press S followed by W, the same thing happens. Also with A followed by D and D followed by A. This is a problem on its own and maybe somebody knows how to fix this via blueprints or animation or something? I’d like my character to not animate at all when multiple keys are pressed or when he is not moving.
The real issue is when I release 1 of the 2 keys I’m holding down. For Example If I’m moving left with the A key and then hold D as well, then release A so D is the only key I’m holding down, my character moves right as expected but no animation plays.
This was hard to explain but I really hope somebody understands. If I could code this in C# it wouldn’t be an issue but as it’s C++, I’m stumped.
If you need any additional information I’d be happy to provide.
Thank you In advance.
- Aaron.