How do i start my game from uefn to launch fornite?

I cant start my fn game, I can lauch my session and i can be in edit mode in fn, the thing is i cannot actually start my game from Fortnite to check if my commands worked or if anything works. If i open up my tab of setting or anything there is no existence of an optrion to start the game. Now on uefn i can select “Start Game” but it does not do anything the button for some reason doesnt function. Any suggestions?

Hello,did you find a solution? If yes please tell me, because Im having the same issue rn and no idea on how to fix it.

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Yeah so apparently I accidentally deleted my island settings and it won’t start without that.
So what you do is you go to UEFN and Type “island setting” in the bottom left where you get all your items from and just drag it out. You should be able to start your game now. Also if you have a problem with saving levels and it usually says that you have 3 minigame settings blah blah it’s means you have more than one island setting dragged out into your island so just delete 2 so your left with one island setting .