How do I split AddUnique array - to Play Anim Montage once per index?

Please help with the logic nodes. I do not understand how to process/split AddUnique arrays, to do something once per index, then remove that index so it can’t be used in the Loop again.

I tried [Do once] or [Removing indexes] after they get to the [Play Montage Node]. But the Loop (or #2: a re-triggering of the tick ANS > Event) is still making each Character in the array, Play the anim twice instead of only once.


  • I have a spinning leg-sweep-attack, thus the same enemy can be hit twice during the same attack. And multiple enemies can be hit by the same AOE attack.

  • But since I play a fall-down animation on any enemy that is hit, then it would look weird to play it twice (once enemy is already falling – no need to play it again).

  • Thus I want to play the anim ONCE on EACH unique enemy, for this Sweep attack;

    • but I want the Bool logic to be able to repeat-play anims for different attacks like Chest hit – if the SAME enemy is Hit many times. (So I want a way to toggle the AddUnique logic off/on.)


  1. In Anim Montage, I added a Notify State that is set to Tick (default Epic Function), meaning it will retrigger for the entire time duration that I choose (0.6 secs).
  • (Also in my pic, I don’t remember why I have PlayMontageNotify – or the connected logic. It may be from an old version I was working on.)
  1. This Anim Notify State constantly calls an Event in CharBP (using BPI).
  2. CharBP has the code for Player (input > keypress > loads a DataTable that decides which variables to use for attack anim, which matching anim to play on Enemy, which bones for Hit trace, etc).
  • Enemy is a child of CharBP. Thus Player’s CharBP is where Hit Enemy is told which anim to play and when – by populating the ‘Hit Character variable’ that is in Player’s CharBP.
  1. So Player CharBP > Keypress > loads DT > says which Anim Montage to play >
  • 4b. >> Triggers ANS in Anim Montage >
  • 4c. >> which triggers BPI Event call back in CharBP >
  • d. >> to perform Hit check > to decide which Enemies to play reaction anim on.

  1. So back in CharBP, the BPI Event starts [Pic5, part A] > goes to a Function that calculates hits.

  2. In the Hit Function, I collect single hits that are “Characters,” and put each Unique character into an array. And I Set this array as a Variable to output from the function.

  3. Back in the CharBP graph [Pic5, part B]: I feed the Unique Character array into a ForEach Loop (or how else can I split the array into single Characters?)

  4. At the Branch [Pic5, part B], I want the bottom False-path to have logic to only play the Anim Montage ONCE, on EACH Character [Pic5, part C].

  5. At the top True-path, I want the logic to play [a different Anim] on the SAME Character, many times, for EACH time a hit was registered on him (thus I would need an option to not use the AddUnique array, in the function at #6).

  6. (Then after each Character plays the anim, I can clear the Array/Characters, since they are unneeded – the attack finished. If I attack again, I will determine fresh Hits that are still in range.)

  7. But I don’t know the nodes to use for #8. Please help, ty.