How do i get a string to start on a new line, apparently
is supposed to work but it doesn’t for me.
“Hello there
“Hello thereblah”
Am i missing something?
How do i get a string to start on a new line, apparently
is supposed to work but it doesn’t for me.
“Hello there
“Hello thereblah”
Am i missing something?
works in C++'s strings.
Try a Shift+Enter on blueprints.
Yes, but is there any other way to do it in c++ because i have my code setup there?
I’ve found that for some things adding <br> will cause a new line.
This work for TextRenderComponents for example.
UE4 has a macro called LINE_TERMINATOR, globally accessible.
You can use that where you’d normally use ’
’ to get the desired result
This it’s work for me
UE4 has a macro for ’ '?;base64
FString FileContent;
//Read the csv file
FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(FileContent, *fPath);
TArray<FString> CSVLines;
const TCHAR* Terminators[] = { L"\r", L"\n" }; //LINE_TERMINATOR
FileContent.ParseIntoArray(CSVLines, Terminators, 2);
shift+enter works in BP
in cpp on 5.5 there is ParseIntoArrayLines
for FStrings
beware of the warning about using it for short strings