I’m a young developer of 2 years and I think I have everything I need but this final piece;
I’m making a Galaga Clone:
-I have my art
-I have my animation
-I have menus
-I have my turrets working!
-I can attach turrets to my enemies
-I have health bars working
-my enemies die with explosion Vfx and sound
-I have my scrolling map
-I can spawn single enemies from spawn points and they travel across the map.
-I can even spawn groups of enemies from spawn points!
The only thing I can’t figure out:
-I want to dynamically spawn enemies from spawn points… but I need to make them a sequence.
For example,
from spawn point A, I want to spawn 3 of enemy A
I need to do a check to see if all 3 died. If they did, I want to spawn 3 enemy B enemies from spawn point B.
Once they die, let’s go back to spawn A, repeat.
Ultimately, it seems like the whole level would be nothing but a big Data Table of spawning each enemy from each respective spawn point.
Can someone help point me in the right direction?