How do i spawn fire accurately in the position of character

I’m newbie of ue5 using BP

(BP i made - BP_ThirdPersonCharacter)

but the fire is spawning wrong location than i expected (spawn at the player’s location)

(When I press ‘1’ in the game)

how can i fix this?

I think maybe your fire blueprint has the particle system in the wrong place?

I didn’t touch any BPs without BP_ThirdPersonCharacter
but I made the project again to make it accurate.
same problem manifested

so i remade the BP to check the locations:

and it shows me exactly different locations ( I wanna upload png but limited to 1)

could it be the BPfire particle system wrong that you said?
pls help this newbie…

or should i try to reinstall ue5?

If you put Blueprint Effect Fire in the level, actually put the BP in the level, is the first effect a long way from the pivot point?

When i put Blueprint effect fire in the level, the fire effect is showing at the pivot point as i intended

This is the location of the player


so there must be something weird with that particle BP.

Just try spawning a cube, or DrawDebugSphere.

Hi there @attackstick,

Hope you’re well!

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Thanks and happy developing! :slight_smile:


Hi, I have the same problem as you I solved it like this, basically adding y:300 moves the fire right to the player’s position. Hope this helps. No idea why this is happening. Following Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine