How Do I Spawn Character for Multiplayer Level Streaming

EDIT: What I have so far is below with an image

So, I am stuck near the last part of my game with spawning characters for a 2 player multiplayer game using level streaming. I currently have one PlayerStart in a sublevel with the intention of avoiding the players from falling through the ground. I’ve seen suggestions on having the playerstart placed in the persistent level instead, but when testing in 1 person PIE mode, the player just falls through the level this way since the landscape has yet to load.

My full setup is the main menu is one persistent level, and when you click new game, the a new persistent level loads, which pops up a loading screen, then streams in the playable sub level; after the Automation wait for loading node has finished, the loading screen goes away and you can start moving and playing the game. The downfall in this scenario with the playerstart in the sublevel is that the players only start at the 0,0,0 coordinates.

I am stuck on where to go if I place playerstart in the sublevel and even stuck on how to go about this if I place playerstart in the persistant level. Can someone guide me on how I can get this part done?

You’re calling ‘remove from parent’ on the loop. Is that intentional?

No, I fixed it, however I get the same errors

I know absolutely nothing about multi, so…

I can tell you that the player start can be in the streamed level. That works.

Ok, thanks you for taking the time.

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While the add to viewport is an issue, the spawning via multiplayer code works. I guess adding loading screens using the method I used doesn’t work for multiplayer but that’s a whole different question to be asked.