How do I spawn an enemy and make it walk to my Target point?

I’m brand new to UE4 and to blueprints, but I’ve been learning a lot recently. I figured out how to spawn 1 enemy per second at an area. I also figured out how to make an existing enemy walk from the start to the end of the level. The problem is I don’t know how to reference the Target Point in the level within the Enemy Blueprint.

This is my level. The top left box is the spawn location. They should walk to the left and reach the target point at the bottom. I have successfully gotten an existing enemy to do this.

This is the level blueprint.

This is the SpawnPortal actor blueprint (top left of the map).


I managed to get the enemies that spawn to go to a location. The problem is the location of the target point in the level is not accessible in the SpawnPortal so I have to manually enter the vector in the actor.

How do I make the Target Point location vector publically accessible by any blueprint?


I had to use Get All Actors of Class and selected the class as TargetPoint. Since there is only one target point I used the 0 element and got the world location. Worked like a charm.