How do I Solve. CharacterMovement, Main Menu, death hud

Iam trying to make an Endless runner for mobile phones with touch and swipe implementation for now i would like to solve the following issues . Any detailed explanation or an example bP will be awesome.

1- For moving my character right and left iam using actorworldoffset

and setting the position as the game starts![alt text][2![alt text][2]![alt text][3![alt text][3], when i take a turn the location gets messed up

i want to snap the player to one of the three positions on which the player is running as game began’s.

2- on player death a hud displays up showing an image(from array of 5 images randomly.) And the data of how many coins were collected in the current run, how much distance was covered and how many other items ( pickups and gem ) have been collected.

3- On-game start , main menu displays the total coins collected in all the runs , and after the death hud closes , main menu opens with universal coin count and number of gems and pickups rising to how many player have collected. and i want to be able to reset those numbers just so that if i run on another machine it starts from 0 , the Coin-Distance-Pickup count.

The images of main menu death screen and when making a turn when i reach a corner, i will post the image for collecting the coins but those numbers are not saving they are just running in the hud .i want to save the number and use it in the death screen and also in the main menu where i will display universal overall coins which will be used to buy

was that an answer ?

All of the above can found on YT, it has been done 10 times over, if not more.

You will get a better (or just an answer) answer if you ask a specific question about one specific thing. At the moment, you’re asking for someone to (re)write your code.

It’s an answer that points in a direction I believe is the correct one. Take it or leave it. Sadly, if I were to describe what you need to do here step-by-step, I’d need to spend around 2h of my time (and then it’s 2h of your time trying to implement it) and, most likely, I’d be unable to deliver anything of half decent quality when compared to random YT tutorial lasting 30 mins.

The bottom line is, no need to reinvent the wheel.

Alternatively, wait for an answer by someone who is more motivated ;p

I asked a question before but i did not provided it with sufficient proof that iam working on it , so someone told me to be more specific and provide a proof that u actually are working and i did . umm but
Getting the same response as before . i dont understand why did you answer at all when you dont have the will or the time , or an answer ! . i think just by answering a question you get some karma or badges .

Thanks for you reply man .

i think just by answering a question
you get some karma or badges .

Yup, that’s why I invest my time into AH. Downvote and report as spam then. :]

I do not understand why you refuse to follow an online tutorial. To each their own, I guess.

Good luck and take care.

bro i have watched them infact thats what have helped me to build the game so far , but i cant find what i have asked . thats why i asked a question.

i really appreciate your help seriously i think only you have answered my questions.( getting a little frustrated on my road to Unreal )

Let’s have a look at that turning first.

Judging by how the Turncorner is implemented, I’d say your character does not turn at all at the moment. Or just turns by a fraction of the desired rotation. Could you confirm? Or is the Turncorner event called somewhere else in Tick?

im calling it on event tick . the turn corner works pefectly . the thing is i have added an actor offset to move right and left as i posted earlier in an image it works perfectly for me to implement as lane system but as i reach a corner the actor offest still works but the position of my character is shifted slightly to a new location and im not able to collide with obsticles and coins . i have also posted 3 images for the lanes as the game starts and one image of when i make the turn to show how the location is messed

i tried to implement the lane system by using an array of float and giving 3 location in them but i was not able to move the character in those lanes , so i implemented using the actor offset . i have implemented the lane system(using array ) for spawning the coins in the game.

is shifted slightly to a new location
and im not able to collide with
obsticles and coins .

This my be caused by the fact that the character needs time to rotate, and will travel along its forward vector during rotation. Or/and by the fact that the turn is not initiated precisely at the right moment (which is part of the game, ofc) and you end up offset in a new lane.

You can either stop the forward movement until the rotation is over or make the rotation instantaneous. Not sure what your vision for the game is. You might want a smooth continues movement, without the game pausing the forward movement to rotate 90 degress.

You can put a Draw Debug Point node in Tick, set its duration to 2s - it will help you visualise the path your character is traversing along. Have a close look at how sharp the corner is. I’m under the impression it’s going to be a curve.

I think the best solution would be to gradually adjust the character location during rotation and try to reach new offset in the same lane you were in. You should be able to apply the very same method as you’re using for turning corners. Create a new variable Target Lane Offset and let the interpolate node take you there. This will also allow you to smoothly switch between lanes - I’m assuming that, at the moment, it just snaps from 1 lane to the other, right?

what type of variable would target lane offset be and let the interpolate node take you there ? what do you mean by this . id love to do it i guess target lane offset would be an array of the 3 offsets i want to move on is that right…And yes i have made actor offset like 400,0,-400 so the character spawns at offset 0 then player can move to these 2 offsets using keybindings. i like the method you are describing i think it will work…

One more thing i made one box collision on the corner for making the turn, iam thinking i could use 3 off those box collisons on the three locations i want the player to move to but that would also create a problem for example if i wont be in one of those three box colliders i wont be able to turn.