So when i possess another character my screen isnt in the same place as the first character is there a way to make it have a smooth transition or be in the same place ?
You would need to override your default camera behavior with a custom script. Depending on the perspective of the game (first person/top down/etc.), you would do this in different ways.
For instance, in a top-down action game I’m working on, the player characters do not have a camera attached to them. Instead, I have a custom actor with a camera that calculates its position as the average between all active players.
There are a few settings you’ll have to tweak to make sure that the engine uses your custom camera. But that once again depends on what you’re trying to do.
Im using thirdpersontemp i just want a smooth fade when i change players on wherever i am looking so it doesn’t just do a harsh fade back to the center of the screen, eg if im looking up and i change characters then my new player will be looking up. Do you know how i would do this ?
You can use “GetPlayerCameraManager” to access the game camera and call “StartCameraFade” on it. The attached picture is a script on a level Blueprint that fades the camera out to black when Space is pressed, then fades it in once released. To ensure things stay black until you’re done moving/switching the camera, you’ll want to check the “HoldWhenFinished” parameter. The fade-in, however, does not need this.
Thanks man this made it look so nice cheers
Cool! I’ll upgrade this to an answer then.