How do I setup runtime/dynamic replicated UActorComponent registration?

So my ideal setup is to have a factory object that creates a UActorComponent and this factory is passed as part of an initialization step when creating an actor.

So far I have the following. My issue is that there is so much ambiguity when it comes to the order of operations, spawning, and replication.


UChunkModel* UChunkModelFactory::CreateChunkModel(AActor* outer, const ChunkId& chunkId) const
	UChunkModel* chunkModel = NewObject<UChunkModel>(outer, TEXT("ChunkModel"));

	// do non-engine stuff with chunkModel

	return chunkModel;


void AChunk::Initialize(UChunkModelFactory* chunkModelFactory, const ChunkId& chunkId)
	if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
		chunkModel = chunkModelFactory->CreateChunkModel(this, chunkId);
		chunkModel->CreationMethod = EComponentCreationMethod::SimpleConstructionScript;
		chunkModel->OnUpdate().AddUObject(this, &AChunk::OnModelUpdate);	

So my questions:

  1. Do I need to set CreationMethod, and should I set it before or after RegisterComponent?

  2. Do I need to call SetNetAddressable, and should I set it before or after RegisterComponent?

  3. Should I call SetIsReplicated before or after RegisterComponent?

  4. Actor replication works by creating a default subobject on the client and later replicating any tagged properties. How does AActorComponent handle dynamic replication? Does I need to manually create the component on the client or will a NewObject created and registered component on the server be automatically created on the client? Are the flagged properties sent at a later time or part of the initial replication?

  5. At what point does the AActorComponent begin replicating (ie: after NewObject, after RegisterComponent, after SetIsReplicated?)