How do i set up mouse sensitivity?

In my ArchVis project, I used the first person default game to get it set up initially. Now I can’t figure out how to make my mouse move slower. It would be good for shooters but in this, I want a slow movement to the mouse. Any ideas on how I can get my character to look around slower?

I’m also very new at UE4, so as helpful as screenshots are of working BPs, I likely won’t know what the parts are to make one. So descriptive answers are helpful.

Try changing the BaseRate floats in the character blueprint.

Is this what I should edit? When I click on them they have a base turn rate of 45. I changed this all the way down to 2 but saw no change after compiling and saving the blueprint. Its just the default character blueprint from the first person project UE4 provides.

Hmm that should have done it… i kinda don’t know then sorry :confused:

If you want to do it globally, in this example from a settings menu, I suggest doing it this way:

This way you just scale the input. Be wary though, I think if you use a controller, it also adjust sensitivity of the walking stick and such.

I know the topic is no longer active, but I still found it to be difficult to find a solution to this problem, so here is what I did and what I think is the easiest way to change the mouse sensitivity:

Click on the FirstPersonCharacter → Edit Blueprint → Open Blueprint Editor

then add float*float action and use it to multiply the Axis Values by the desired factor



Thank you, this worked great! For any noobs looking at this, there are different types of Floats, make sure you select the Multiple float (the one with the * symbol next to it.)

@jordylakiere: I’m afraid you are right, this most likely only works with the FPS and Third Person blueprint. Since there are no RTS blueprints anyway, I guess you will have to create your own RTS camera system, so it is basically up to you how you implement the camera and cursor speed. Unfortunately I won’t be able to help you with any details since I’m a total UE4 beginner myself, but I know there are some RTS tutorials on youtube, maybe one of those will help you.

This is completely useless unless you have a FPS or whatever right?
What about say an RTS where you actually have a cursor?

Not sure there’s such option in 4.11, but in 4.16 you can set sensivity (not only for mouse) in Project settings -Engine - Input.

Cheers for the noob tip :wink:

Seems to be old, but for the record:

You can just use the Console Command:

MouseSensitivity 0.3

or something :wink:

Absolutely right. At default it is hidden / collapsed.

4.26.2 type sensitivity in the filter (not mouse)