How do I set the 'Steam Name'?

How do I set the ‘Steam Name’?

I am integrating Steamworks into my game, but I have encountered some problems. How can I solve it or implement it in another way?

This is the error message:

A variable named "PlayerName\" could not be found in "PlayerState".
Please make sure that'PlayerState' has been compiled for PlayerName

Could not find properties related to Player Name in "/Game/FPS/Blueprints/PlayerController/BaseCharacterPC.BaseCharacterPC_C"


Some characters in the photo may not be recognized, but they can still be recognized through its input and output.

“玩家状态” refers to the PlayerState

Please try not to use videos. Due to the regulations of my country, I cannot watch videos such as those on Youtebe.

Are you using the Advanced Sessions plugin?

I you can [GetPlayerName] from Player Controller, or you can [Get Unique Net Id] first and then [Get Steam Persona Name] from there.

I think I may have found a solution, but I haven’t tested it yet.