Okay, so I’m working with the original character BP for the first person template, the only things I did were add two capsule collision components for a climb mechanic (both set to overlap all), integrated crouching (from the character movement component), deleted the gun, and set up a sprint mechanic using max walk speed. Now when I test it, only the camera and the attached skeletal mesh turn, and I can’t move. When I end play, I get a warning that says, “Mobility of FirstPersonCharacter_C_1 : CollisionCylinder has to be ‘Movable’ if you’d like to move it with CharacterMovementComponent.” Please help, I already had to delete a project because of this problem, and I really don’t want to have to do that once again. Also, I’m truly sorry if this is a very simple thing to do, I’m only thirteen and haven’t had much experience with Unreal Engine 4 yet. Thanks for the help in advance, Liam.
Hi, i had the same problem with my Thirdpersoncharacter_BP, basicly when i clicked play it didn’t move and "CollisionCylinder has to be ‘Movable’‘’ text apperared. how i fixed the problem was set the character from static to moveable IN THE LEVEL, not blueprint.
This is the solution can you please mark it as answered