How do i set my Player Camera to a CameraActor that is not in the BP_Player Blueprint?

Hey there
I am trying to get a nice cuscene wit a Camera Rig Rail and a Camera Actor atached to it.

My plan is to start the Camera transition as soon as the Player overlaps the box next to the ridge. So i set a normal BP up, with a collision box and followed a tutorial on how to get a sequence started.

My problem now is, that the Camera won’t switch automatically and to do it manualy with a “SetViewTargetWithBlend”, i need a refference to the CameraActor that is present in the World but i can’t find out how to get this Refference for the “NewViewTarge” slot.

Thanks for your Help!

If there is only one camera in the world, you can use “get actor of class”, and select the camera class, that the camera in the world is

alternatively you can use the level blueprint, and get a direct reference to the camera: