I have 2 player figured out, im new btw, but i cant seem to make player 2,3,4, and 5 have different skins. i have 5 skins total. and i want all of them playable with 5 different controllers.
You will need two things: a reference to the players and a function in them for setting skins. When you spawn a new player then you’d call that function sort of like this pseudo code:
Inside that function just do whatever needs to be done to set the, in this example, second skin: Assign an already existing material instance or create a new one on the fly, something like that.
Do you know of a tutorial or video showing how to do this, because im fairly new to this and need help lol
The following tutorials might help:
theres a rts video that spawns players based on different attributes, uses material instances and varibles to set male female with names uing enums and random from floats this may help you with what your try to achive
Starts on this one moves maybe 1 video more for completion of a spwaned actor